Hi Juan,
I tried the new module last night. Thank you again for turning this around so quickly. Here's what I did:
- loaded an Envisage FITS-float image. This resulted in the range dialog being popped up. I specified 0-65535 and the image loaded immediately and with the grey levels I expected. Super!
- tried to save the Envisage image. This I could not do. Even though the data was changed the 'save' icon remained greyed out. I suppose we could argue what should happen in this case but I thought I'd point it out.
- did a save-as in FITS float
- loaded the saved FITS image, this did not show the range dialog and loaded fine, with the expected 0-1 range
- set the default range for FITS files to 0-65535, loaded Envisage float image. No dialog was shown, image loaded fine.
- loaded earlier saved 0-1 FITS file. This did not load OK. Effectively all pixels were 0.
I conclude from this that the preset range is of limited use if you ever save your FITS files in PCL and I suspect most do. I don't advocate removing the setting as it works well in the default 0-1 range but maybe something can be done to improve this. My suggestion is to use the preset as the default settings in the dialog that pops up when a non 0-1 file gets loaded. This notifies the user that the file is about to get converted during loading and remembers the user's preferred setting to make this process easy. Maybe this is accomplished with one of the 'ask' settings in preferences, I did not pursue this further.
Small typo in the settings, it says 'readed' somewhere. That should be 'read' :-)