Author Topic: Updated GREYCstoration module (bug fix)  (Read 18914 times)

Offline Juan Conejero

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Updated GREYCstoration module (bug fix)
« on: 2007 October 12 06:00:16 »
Hi all,

I have just uploaded updated versions of the GREYCstoration module (version

This version fixes a bug that was preventing floating point images (both 32 and 64-bit) from being correctly processed with GREYCstoration when more than one iteration was selected. The bug was causing excessively blurred images, more blurred for images with very bright pixels, and almost unnoticeable for images that don't exceed 0.7 or 0.8 in the normalized [0,1] range.

This bug has been detected by Andy Schlei, who has reported it on this thread. Thanks Andy!

The fixed modules are now available for download:

Linux 32-bit:

Windows 32-bit:

Just unpack the (Linux) or GREYCstoration-pm32.dll (Windows) file and copy it on your bin installation directory, replacing the old file.

Important note: If you have module authentication enabled (Edit > Security Settings), please note that I still have not updated the module authentication databases for this new version, so the new GREYCstoration module will not pass the authentication test. You must disable authentication to work with this module. Sorry for the inconveniences.

The CImg library, which implements the GREYCstoration algorithm by David Tschumperlé (CNRS), is distributed under the French CeCILL-C license (equivalent to LGPL). Therefore we must publish the entire source code of our GREYCstoration PixInsight module:
Juan Conejero
PixInsight Development Team