Author Topic: Basic Scripting  (Read 6448 times)

Offline crose01

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Basic Scripting
« on: 2014 August 15 15:44:18 »
I am doing image integration for Red, Green and Blue and created new instances Of ImageIntegration o my Workspace
one for each colour and one for Luminance. How can I change the output filename to reflect the colour? I thought I could
edit P.integrationImageId = ""; but it does not save the changes. I would love to edit my instances and add them to a Process



Offline Juan Conejero

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Re: Basic Scripting
« Reply #1 on: 2014 August 18 03:23:30 »
Hi Chris,

ImageIntegration.integrationImageId is a read-only output parameter. It is the identifier of the integrated output image after the instance has been executed, but you can't change it from a script or otherwise.

ImageIntegration does not write images to disk. You can write a relatively simple script to write the integrated image to a disk file of your choice. For example, this is what the BatchPreprocessing script does to write master bias, dark and flat frames. Let me know if you are interested in knowing how to do this.

You can also save your entire PixInsight session to a project file. This is normally the best option to store a complete work including all the stages from preprocessing (calibration/registration/integration) to postprocessing.
Juan Conejero
PixInsight Development Team

Offline crose01

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Re: Basic Scripting
« Reply #2 on: 2014 August 19 13:43:12 »
Hi Juan

Thank you for your reply.Yes please  I would like to be able to write the output of the ImageIntegration to a file. I use projects all the time I think they are useful containers for my work and I maintain a library of them. I am interested in developing workflows to the extent where I can automate them as much as possible. I have another question as well. The ImageCalibration and ImageIntegration processes take a definitive list of input files. Can that list be dynamic say everything in the 'Blue Images' folder? Such that I can keep adding files (when it stops raining that is) for a specific target without having to update a script or process.

