Thanks guys. This image started as a "something to do image" while waiting for my prime target to rise high enough. As the data was being accumulated I started to process what I had and was intrigued with what was starting to show up so I never did start my prime target instead staying with this image for several nights, 4-5 I think. Of all the acquired data, I discarded any that was over 2" FWHM and ended up with 23-1/3 hours of 20 minute images. This was using the 12.5" RC and ST-10XME although I would have preferred to use the STL-11000 which was off being repaired. I thought a wider field of view of this galaxy cluster would have been interesting. I didn't realize how much detail I could get from NGC1275 at this aperture. I appreciate the comments. I'll look at stretching the background a bit more.