Hello Everyone,
I have yet another new user question. I have been going through the processing examples and am working through the "Deconvolution of a High-Resolution Lunar Image" example. The example points out that a good method for determining a sample PSF to use is via use of the WienerDeconvolution Tool.
Quoting from the example: "It is interesting to point out that Wiener deconvolution can be used very efficiently to find out correct PSF values, even if we plan to use a regularized algorithm later. This is a good idea because the WienerDeconvolution tool is extremely fast (it implements a one-step, FFT-based algorithm) and usually performs quite well for lunar and planetary work. It can save us a good amount of time during testing stages."
I cannot find WienerDeconvolution in version 1.7 of PixInsight. Can someone point me to the location of the tool or has it been replaced with a better tool for finding a good starting PSF?