The previous core worked with a big image for ~90Mpx in the mosaic's mode, but the new one doesn't want to work: it reports that there's not enough memory.
OS: Ubuntu 11.04 32-bit
That happens because you're working at the limit of 32-bit addressable memory. The Linux kernel won't provide more than 3 GB to applications. This is true no matter how much memory you have installed. Along with that total limit, the maximum size of a contiguous memory block will always be relatively small (smaller and smaller as more memory gets allocated), and may lead to an out of memory condition even if there's plenty of unused memory. This is a problem common to all 32-bit operating systems.
The *only* solution: install a 64-bit Linux distribution and run a 64-bit version of PixInsight. Unless you have a vintage machine you already have a 64-bit capable processor, and a 64-bit Ubuntu will manage your 5 GB of RAM nicely. Please note:
- All 32-bit versions of PixInsight are now obsolete. We no longer try to optimize our tools to run on 32-bit operating systems.
- So far we have been releasing 32-bit versions of PixInsight for compatibility with legacy hardware. Soon we'll discontinue them for Linux and Mac OS X (now that we have a stable Cocoa-based version for Mac OS X). We'll continue releasing a 32-bit version for Windows for some time because Windows is not free and there are many machines (mainly laptops) with 32-bit versions of Windows installed. The FreeBSD port of PI is already only available as a 64-bit application.