there used to be a script that allowed you to quickly pop from one image to the next. I don't see it in the distribution now.
This is the Animation script, written by Nikolay Volkov, and of course it is part of the PI distribution on all platforms. If you have your PI distribution up-to-date, then you'll find it on the Process Explorer: Scripts > Image Analysis > Animation 2.95. This is similar to (if not more than) what Dave is asking for.
For more information on this nice and excellent script, take a look at the
original thread on this forum (12 pages).
It is perhaps possible to first register all your subs and then run the same PSF analysis on all of them.
Yes it is possible, but right now as a manual process only. Soon I'll publish a new version of the Core application, where a batch image grading script will be very easy to implement, based on the DynamicPSF tool. Then perhaps you'll have one more reason to use PI for more tasks