Author Topic: Video: Applying a processing step from one image to another image  (Read 7315 times)

Offline marekc

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Hi Everyone,

I think I may be a Pixinsight newbie forever, but I try to make progress! I was thinking about how I might record some of what I've learned about PI... should I make notes in a paper notebook, should I use an `everything bucket' like Evernote, should I make text files... etc...

I was watching one of Harry Page's videos when it occurred to me... I have Camtasia, too! If I think I've got something figured out, I could just make a video of it.

So, I made a short video of a PI trick:

I hope that link works. This trick is REALLY basic - I'll bet that most of you won't find this particularly new. Basically, I was thinking `I don't really understand anything about the History Explorer. I wonder if I could take a processing step from an image's History Explorer and apply it to another image?' I think I can.

I don't know if I'm right, but FWIW, I made a video and put it on YouTube, mostly to see if I could. I'm no Harry Page, but it's a way of recording some of what I've learned (or think I've learned) about PI. Maybe I'll make more videos, who knows.

Sorry if I talk too fast, I was basically thinking out loud.

Offline RBA

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Hey Marek,

You're good at making videos! :)

What you did is indeed a way to "duplicate" and reapply a process. Other way would be, once you've set the parameters for the DynamicCrop module (or any other module), just drag the blue triangle over to the desktop, that too will create a process icon.

Then, with the process icon, you can either double-click on it - which will bring the dialog window for that module with the parameters from the process icon, which allows you to modify the parameters if you like - or if you want to apply the very same parameters, you can simply click on the process icon and drag it over to the image you want to apply that process.


Offline Harry page

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Well done make as many vids as you like , can never have to much info  :D

Harry Page

Offline Gary

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Nice video marekc I enjoyed watching it.

Offline dayers

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Very good! It was a trick I didn't know about re-applying DynamicCrop.  Another way of comparing alignment of images is to put one right on top of the other and click on the top bar to make the top image semi- transparent.

I haven't paid much attention to History Explorer, but I will now. Thanks.

Dave Ayers
  Stellarvue 80 mm refractor on CG-5 mount, Orion 50mm guide scope. Imaging camera SBIG STF-8300M, guide camera ASI120mm. PHD Guiding. Sequence Generator Pro, PixInsight.

Offline marekc

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Hi Dave,

Thanks very much for the transparency trick - that sounds really handy.

I haven't quite gotten it to work, though... maybe it is a Windows (or Linux) thing? I'm using PI 1.7 on Mac OS X. I've put one of my light frames right on top of the other (they're sized the same), but I can't get the top image to be semi-transparent. There's a right-click menu item that says `show transparency', but that doesn't seem to change anything.

At any rate, thanks heaps for the kind words, and I agree with you, things like History and Process Containers are becoming quite intriguing. I processed an image yesterday, and I rather enjoyed using the Workspaces to `lay out' my workflow in a certain way. Adding notes to the process instances' metadata and the Project's metadata seemed worthwhile, too.

- Marek

Offline dayers

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I'm running PI on Linux Ubuntu, running in VMWare on Windows 7, so the transparency response may not be a universal characteristic.

I have not been using Workspaces in my workflow, so I need to look into that also. Thanks for giving me some new (to me) ideas as I struggle to learn to use PI effectively.

Dave Ayers
  Stellarvue 80 mm refractor on CG-5 mount, Orion 50mm guide scope. Imaging camera SBIG STF-8300M, guide camera ASI120mm. PHD Guiding. Sequence Generator Pro, PixInsight.