Author Topic: subtle processing rings  (Read 8149 times)

Offline Nocturnal

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Re: subtle processing rings
« Reply #15 on: 2011 June 29 14:23:20 »

looks like you have significant drift from sub to sub. I imagine PI reports on the image shifts but I don't know for sure. I use this technique:

In any case, with enough subs and sigma type stacking you should be able to reduce at least the appearance of the hot pixel streaks. If your drift isn't enough to make the hot pixels stand out enough for sigma stacking to eliminate them you could add dithering to your capture process. I generally recommend getting differential flexure under control first but under some conditions it can help improve image quality because it randomizes the streaks, making them less obvious.

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Offline Cleon_Wells

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Re: subtle processing rings
« Reply #16 on: 2011 June 29 17:43:40 »
Sander, thanks for the link, I'll try to tighten up the guide scope/mounting tonight and see if anything changes. The total time for the 43 subs = 107.5 min, with 2 min per sub with .5 minutes between the subs. Here's and image of my setup with a lot of places for flexure.
Cleon - GSO 10"RC/Canon T1i-Hap Mod, 100mmF6/2Ucam/MG, EQG/EQmod