Hello Alan. I know you from the APML. Welcome to PixInsight forum!
Since you have downloaded all the stuff, you have now two files. The first one is:
This is the main installation module for version 1.0.1. First of all, you must install this module to have PixInsight LE installed on your system. Just double-click the file and the installation program will start. Accept all the things as they are by default, and all will be fine.
To ensure that the program is correctly installed, look for it in your Start > Programs menu (Start > All Programs, if you have XP). A new folder (menu item) should appear as "PixInsight LE 1.0". From this folder, select "Pleiades PixInsight LE 1.0". The application should run well.
The second file is:
This is the 1.0.2 update module file. It must be installed after you have 1.0.1 installed and working. If you have PixInsight running, terminate it (File > Exit) now. Then double-click the update file. The WinRAR self-extracting application will launch. It will ask you for the correct place where the update must be copied. If you have installed 1.0.1 with default options, then the correct folder is:
C:\Program Files\Pleiades Astrophoto\PixInsight LE
You can copy it from this message and paste, or you can use the Browse button to locate the folder on your hard drive.
You will be asked to replace the existing PixInsightLE32.exe file. Say yes.
Run PixInsight again and select Help > About PixInsight LE. If you see "Version", then job done!
Hope this will help. if you have further problems, we're here to help :wink: