I am sorry if this is covered elsewhere already but I've searched and cannot find what I'm looking for.
I have been using Nebulosity up until now for image acquisition and processing, but I love the results that people get with PI. I have been trying out PI with FITS files captured in Nebulosity (saved as Maxim FITS files in 16 bit) and I have been able to create masters frames and calibrate the image files, but then I come to debayering. Nothing I do seems to produce colour images with the right colours (they all come out pink / red). If I do the calibration in Nebulosity and debayer there, the images are fine and I can then align, etc., in PI, but clearly I'm doing something wrong and would like to use PI for calibration if possible. I have seen the thread on workflow from Canon RAW files (I am using a Canon 350D), but my files are saved as FITS and not CR2.