Author Topic: Persistent Crash on Exit  (Read 2952 times)

Offline kerrywaz1

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Persistent Crash on Exit
« on: 2011 May 12 22:47:54 »
I keep getting a persistent crash from PI when I quit the application. Attached is the crash log.

Is this a known issue?

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Offline David Raphael

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Re: Persistent Crash on Exit
« Reply #1 on: 2011 May 13 06:28:12 »
FWIW - the 64-bit version of OS X is not very stable IMO (sorry Juan) - it will work great for me for a couple of hours and crash on something that I can't always reproduce.  I believe that it is a problem with QT on 64 bit platforms as much as it is a problem with PixInsight.

I use the 32 bit version extensively on OS X without issues. 

I know this doesn't fix your issue, but I thought I'd share my experience.

David Raphael