Hi Wolfgang,
For this process, I usually make two different image integrations. The first will be the usual integration (don't care if you don't reject perfectly the dust donuts or the artificial satellites).
For the second image integration process, I make a set of images without the first 2 - 3 wavelet layers. This is done with an image container by applying an ATWT instance to the image set. Then I make the integration of this new set of images; here you can be more restrictive in order to reject all the artifacts.
Last we must all the data together. We will put the first 2 - 3 wavelet layers of the resulting image from first integration process over the resulting image of the second integration. We will do this in PixelMath:
Int1 - Int1_LS + Int2
Int1 is the resulting image from the classical image integration process.
Int1_LS is Int1 but without the first 2 - 3 wavelet layers.
Int2 is the resulting image from the second image integration process run.
Here you can have a problem: Ringing. This comes from rejection differences in some structures in the both image integrations (for example around bloomings, where you have very sharp edges). This can be solved if we use another PixelMath equation:
iif ( Int1-- (Int1 - Int1_LS + Int2) > k, Int1, Int1 - Int1_LS + Int2 )
In this conditional equation, we will put only Int1 in the final image if the difference between the classical integration and the multiscale integration is higher than k; if not, we will put the multiscale integration result. As we are working with linear images, usually values of k are very low (tipically in the order or >0.01). You can play with this value if you get some ringings from the first equation.
As an alternative, we can use a variable. In the formula field, put first the variable declaration and then the conditional formula:
x = Int1 - Int1_LS + Int2; iif ( Int1 -- x > k, Int1, x )
In the Symbols field you must put x to tell PixelMath that x is a variable. This formula is much faster to calculate than the prior one.
We are going to implement in the very near future this kind of integration as a script.
Good luck!
Best regards,
PD: Remember to always uncheck the Rescale checkbox.