Hi Colin,
Happy Holiday's to you too! This sounds like an extremely good tool if it can be created.
I'm not sure I've quite got my head around all the details here, but I have a few simple questions.
Firstly, I had assumed that an unsaturated star is effectively a point source, and therefore if I capture this star (unsaturated) through my optics then isn't that as good as the synthetic B&W image? If not, why not?
Secondly, in most (all?) lenses/scopes there are distortions across the field of view. So the stars in the corners of the image will not be the lovely tight circles they are in the centre. It seems to me that it would be great to have a tool to map the PSF as a function of position in the image. Then a deconvolution with this PSF(x,y) would correct the whole image optimally. This could maybe allow use of faster scopes or allow us to open up lenses to their full aperture.
I hope someone can help you get this scripted, it sounds great.