Author Topic: (SOLVED) PixInsight (64bit) on WIN7 64bit - memory  (Read 4185 times)

Offline Christoph Puetz

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(SOLVED) PixInsight (64bit) on WIN7 64bit - memory
« on: 2011 April 26 00:18:10 »
Hi all,

unfortunately I had to switch from Linux x64 to Win7 64bit os.
During processing of a large number of Canon DSRL pictures (>350 pics) with the "image integration function",
I found this behaviour:

My PC has 8GByte of Memory installed and under Linux PI did use it quite intensively (as exprected).
Under WIN 7 (x64) I found, that PI only used max 4GByte of RAM, although 8 GByte are available.
I could prove it with the process explorer software.
Could it be, that there is an internal limit for WIN7 x64, that allows a *single* process to allocate only 4096 Mbyte RAM ?

According to MS information (, a process
can only allocate lots of mem, if the flag IMAGE_FILE_LARGE_ADDRESS_AWARE is set during linking.

Other software (as some 64bit HDR photo software) *can* allocate more than 4GByte.

Is this behaviour PI specific ?

Kind regards

« Last Edit: 2011 April 26 08:50:30 by Christoph Puetz »
Kind regards,
ATIK 383L+, Canon EOS 450d, modified,
Canon EOS 500d, 
20" Planewave CDK, 6" APO Starfire Refractor,
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Offline Andres.Pozo

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Re: PixInsight (64bit) on WIN7 64bit - memory
« Reply #1 on: 2011 April 26 01:12:01 »
Could it be, that there is an internal limit for WIN7 x64, that allows a *single* process to allocate only 4096 Mbyte RAM ?
No. In Win7 x64 a process can use all the available memory.

According to MS information (, a process
can only allocate lots of mem, if the flag IMAGE_FILE_LARGE_ADDRESS_AWARE is set during linking.
This is only necessary in 32bits processes.

Offline twade

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Re: PixInsight (64bit) on WIN7 64bit - memory
« Reply #2 on: 2011 April 26 07:29:27 »

I use Windows 7 64-bit too.  I've noticed my memory usage with no programs running averages about 3.8 GB.  I have 24 GB of memory so this isn't a problem for me. :)  Keep in mind, I do have processes that start at run time such as AV programs, and other miscellaneous processes.  It is possible you only had 4 GB left for PI once the OS has loaded everything at run time.  How much memory usage is the task manager indicating with no programs open?


Offline Christoph Puetz

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Re: PixInsight (64bit) on WIN7 64bit - memory
« Reply #3 on: 2011 April 26 08:49:50 »
Thanks for your replies.
I think I found the simple answer: Process explorer is indicating the wrong memory usage  >:(
In "Resource Explorer" the memory consumption is shown as about 6 GByte, leaving 2 GByte for the os, drivers and services.
It's hard to get back to windows, if you worked many years under Unix Systems  >:D

Thanks to all !
Kind regards,
ATIK 383L+, Canon EOS 450d, modified,
Canon EOS 500d, 
20" Planewave CDK, 6" APO Starfire Refractor,
Celestron 8", Skywatcher ED80,
Peterberg Observatory (
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