Author Topic: Two Bugs (OSX 64-bit)  (Read 3225 times)

Offline MyDalRiley

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Two Bugs (OSX 64-bit)
« on: 2011 January 02 10:47:54 »
Currently Running
OSX 10.6.5

Reference Documentation Snapshot (20/12/10) has been upgraded "successfully" I don't know how many times.  It continues to show up as available for upgrade on my OSX version. My 64-bit Windows version installed correctly and no longer shows available for installation. Not sure why.  Then again, it doesn't show up as an installed upgrade so that's the why...the new question is why won't it upgrade? update fails....Package Decryption Error: /tmp/PixInsight64-update/ (exit code= 255).

The original update to 1.6.9 changed the bundle name to PixInsight64. I get this error regardless of whether the bundle is named or

Have downloaded and reinstalled .651 and still get the error. BTW- the app bundle is named   Not sure if that matters or not.

Again, Windows version updated correctly and without issue.

Thought you'd be interested.

Happy New Year and keep up the good work!


Offline Juan Conejero

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Re: Two Bugs (OSX 64-bit)
« Reply #1 on: 2011 January 03 02:00:33 »
Hi Scott,

Welcome to PixInsight Forum.

We have tested the updates on all supported platforms and architectures, and it works correctly, including Mac OS X 32-bit and 64-bit versions. Please do the following:

- Remove all existing instances of the PixInsight application bundle on your Mac machine. We want to start from a completely clean state.

- With Finder, go to your home folder and open the Library folder. On Library, look for a PixInsight folder. On Library/PixInsight, remove the following files if they exist:


- Copy the .zip distribution archives to your /Applications folder. These archives are:

which you have downloaded from our software distribution site.

- Double-click on the zip archives to uncompress them. This will generate two application bundles:

- Run both of them and you'll get the two current updates: one for the reference documentation snapshot and another for build 652 of the Core application. This should work without flaws.

Keep in mind that if you uncompress the distribution archives on different locations, each application bundle will report the same updates available. Each application bundle is an independent unit regarding updates. This happens also on the rest of platforms; for example, if you install PixInsight on Windows and then copy the C:\Program Files\PixInsight folder to a different location before updating, both applications will require the same updates.

Let me know how it goes.

Happy 2011 also to you!
Juan Conejero
PixInsight Development Team

Offline MyDalRiley

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Re: Two Bugs (OSX 64-bit)
« Reply #2 on: 2011 January 03 17:27:26 »
This seemed to work. Question, though. Do the application bundles need to be in the Applications directory?  I normally install non-default software in an Application Directory under my home account directory.  I started this re-install there, but got the same error. If I did it in the normal Applications directory, it worked. 

More curious than anything else at this point.

Thanks again!


Offline Juan Conejero

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Re: Two Bugs (OSX 64-bit)
« Reply #3 on: 2011 January 05 04:16:14 »
Hi Scott,

The standard folder for applications is /Applications on Mac OS X. However, PixInsight for the Mac should run without any problems from any folder where you have full read/write access rights. For example, I run it regularly from both my Desktop folder and also from other folder where I build the development versions, both under my home folder.

There's no reason for the update process to fail if you can write files where (or is stored. Something that may lead to some confusion is the fact that the application bundle is self-contained. If you copy from /Applications to another location after having updated it, then the copy will also be up-to-date, so it won't inform on further updates available until we release a new one. Does this make any sense in relation to the problem you're experiencing?
Juan Conejero
PixInsight Development Team