I'm very happy that new PixInsight has been released.
But sad to say, I have some problems.
Problem 1. Support Korean file name and file path.When I try to open files that have Korean file name or included Korean folder name in the file path.
I think that you've already know about it.
OS is Windows XP Kor.
Refer below screen capture.
Please let me to do this.
Problem 2. Update failed in my desktop.I installed PixInsight in my laptop and update modules successfully.
But when I installed PixInsight in my desktop update modules failed.
1. Run PixInsight.
2. Click update notification window.
3. Download modules : OK
4. Close PixInsight
5. Update windows popped up but progress bar was stopped at the position of 25%.
6. Press ESC key and tried to update again.
7. Update failed because of updater could not find components.
What may be the problem?
Thank you.