Hi Mike,
think on dark frames as collecting another kind of data, just in the same way as if you were collecting photons. You have a dark signal in your sensor, and you want to collect it with the less possible noise. So take long exposures (just to not saturate your hot pixels), and collect many many of them. Tow point here:
- This is the same work as collecting photons. Your sensor has a dark signal of xxx e-/sec. So the longer time you spend collecting dark signal, the better SNR you will have.
- It's better to do longer exposures than shorter ones. With longer exps the dark signal will be stronger against read noise. So it's better to do 10x20 min darks than 40x5 min ones (assuming your hot pixels don't saturate in 20 min).
OTOH, always do *a lot* of bias. This is very important for the dark rescaling algorithm of IC.
For the moment, I advise you to take your darks at a similar temperature as your light frames (+-5ºC?). We are going to implement an improved version of the rescaling algorithm that will allow us to manage with bigger temp differences.