Author Topic: Jupiter from Mike Salway's Data  (Read 12537 times)

Offline andyschlei

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Jupiter from Mike Salway's Data
« on: 2007 June 27 21:29:36 »
Mike Salway of Ice in Space posted some raw images of Jupiter he took from Australia on the Bad Astronomy / Universe today forum.  Mike is the premier (in my view) planetary imager.

I took a stab at processing his data, and here is the result:

Jupiter Image

The Processing icons are available too:

Jupiter Process Icons

Here is how I did the processing:

Here was my process:

   1. Open each image in PixInsight, change to grayscale, save as FITs files
   2. Open in CCDStack, align based on central region, save again
   3. Color combine in PixInsight, using LRGB combine (w/o L) and an even 1/1/1 R/G/B balance
   4. Apply a curves transform, generally darkening the image
   5. Perform a Weiner deconvolution, 2.75 st. dev, 1.8 shape. This brings out the features in the planet's clouds.
   6. Another modest curves to adjust contrast and a curve on color saturation (a PixInsight feature) to boost the color.
   7. Another modest Weiner deconvolution, 1.5 st. dev and 1.75 shape
   8. A very modest GREYCstoration noise reduction (0.2 magnitude)

The tools provided by PixInsight, combined with Mike's excellent data, led to a nice image IMHO.

Mike welcomes others to process his data, as long as you post the steps you took to get to the final image.

Observatorio de la Ballona
CDK 12.5, NP-101, C-11
AP-1200, AP-900
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Offline Jordi Ortega

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Jupiter from Mike Salway's Data
« Reply #1 on: 2007 August 19 11:17:18 »
Hola Andy, he visto tu imagen tomada con los datos de Mike Salway y me he dedidido a procesar la imagen con mis métodos tradicionales es decir Registax y Astroart, la imagen es esta.

Por lo que creo que el procesamiento de imágenes con Pixinsiht debe seguir el tratamiento que aparece en el magnifico tutorial que Juan Conejero sobre una imagen de Cristopher Go, en vez del que has seguido tú, creo que si utilizas los parametros e indicaciones que alli se mencionan con los datos de Mike Salway debes obtener una imagen mejor.
Saludos cordiales. :wink:

Jordi Ortega
Me encantan los cielos turquesa del amanecer.

Offline andyschlei

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Jupiter from Mike Salway's Data
« Reply #2 on: 2007 August 20 11:09:24 »
Quote from: "Jordi Ortega"
Hola Andy, he visto tu imagen tomada con los datos de Mike Salway y me he dedidido a procesar la imagen con mis métodos tradicionales es decir Registax y Astroart, la imagen es esta.

Greetings!  That is a very nice version of the image.

Quote from: "Jordi Ortega"
Por lo que creo que el procesamiento de imágenes con Pixinsiht debe seguir el tratamiento que aparece en el magnifico tutorial que Juan Conejero sobre una imagen de Cristopher Go, en vez del que has seguido tú, creo que si utilizas los parametros e indicaciones que alli se mencionan con los datos de Mike Salway debes obtener una imagen mejor.
Saludos cordiales. :wink:

Jordi Ortega

I initially was going to use the approach laid out in the tutorial, but I was not getting good results with the wavelets approach.  In addition, I wanted to try using the new convolution processes.  Perhaps I'll take a stab at it again with the tutorial in hand.

I like your signature quote: "Astronomia en general, con cileo profundo limitado por resdencia en zona urbana."  We must not let light pollution keep us from astronomy!

Clear skies,

Observatorio de la Ballona
CDK 12.5, NP-101, C-11
AP-1200, AP-900
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Offline Juan Conejero

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Jupiter from Mike Salway's Data
« Reply #3 on: 2007 August 20 13:38:31 »
Here is my version:

Entirely processed in PixInsight These are the processing steps:

1. I registered the original 900 BMP files for each channel with my FFTRegistration JavaScript script (you have it under the Script > Sample Scripts main menu item). I just selected the first file of each set as reference image, and the rest (899) as targets. With the default script parameters I obtained an integrated image for each channel in 32-bit floating point format.

2. I registered the red and blue integrated images with respect to the green integrated image, again using the same script, but this time writing the registered images to disk files.

3. ChannelCombination to generate a RGB color image.

4. I made a duplicate of the green channel, which I blurred with wavelets and adjusted with HistogramTransform to build a mask. This mask is to protect limb regions during wavelet processing.

5. With the previous mask active, I used ATrousWaveletTransform to enhance small-scale structures. I applied a strong bias of 7.0 to the second layer with a narrow scaling function (3x3 Small-Scale 1) and noise reduction (directional multiway median, 4 iterations, 3x3 kernel). A weak bias of 0.8 to the third layer. High dynamic range extension = 0.18 to avoid oversaturation of bright features. The wavelet transform was applied to both the luminance and chrominance of the image.

6. CannelExtraction to extract the red, green and blue channels from the wavelet-processed image.

7. With an experimental version of DynamicAlignment (which will be available in the next version), I registered the red and blue channels with respect to green. I used six registration points for red and five for blue.

8. ChannelCombination again to obtain a RGB color image with correctly aligned channels. DynamicAlignment worked extremely well for most of the planet's disk. However, unfortunately the channel alignment procedure colorized the left and right limbs -especially the right one with blue-, which is very ugly. This is due to differential planet rotation between the individual capturing sequences for the red, green and blue channels, I think.

9. With a duplicate of the limb protection mask, further stretched with HistogramTransform and controlled (its size) with an erosion filter (MorphologicalTransform), I made a new mask that unprotects just a thin ring all around the planet.

10. With the previous mask active, I applied CurvesTransform to desaturate the image completely (the CIE c channel curve is a horizontal line from 0,0 to 1,0). Thanks to the mask, this acted over the colorized limb regions exclusively.

11. A final ATrousWaveletTransform application to enhance small-scale contrast slightly. This was done with the same mask used for step 5.

And that's all. Unfortunately I forgot to save the .psm file  :oops: (I was severely distracted at the final stages of the procedure :wink:) , so I wrote this trying to remember the most important steps...

It's always a great pleasure to work with superb planetary data, as in this case.

Unfortunately, it seems that most planetary and lunar imagers don't want to use our software. This is a bit frustrating, since we provide state-of-the-art implementations of cutting edge algorithms and techniques. Of course these techniques require some additional work and a learning curve, when compared to other tools in common use. Here is a recent example:

The most "intense" public answer that the above tutorial seems to have received consists in an intent (unsuccessful, by the way) of trying to obtain similar results with other well-known software tools. Quite disappointing.

I think this may be resistance to changes, in terms of exploring new processing techniques and strategies. Of course this also happens in all fields of astrophotography, but I have seen particularly reluctant attitudes when I've tried to show that there exist advanced ways to process planetary images with our software tools that consistently lead to better results. This fragment from the preface of A manual of advanced celestial photography by Wallis and Provin applies particularly well here: "It seems like the offer of help is often seen as an accusatory finger. Besides that, we are often accused of having such a negative attitude because of the fact that we keep pushing to make things better and keep pushing to get people to do better work. Why is the desire to improve on existing conditions seen as a negative attitude?".
Juan Conejero
PixInsight Development Team

Offline David Serrano

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Jupiter from Mike Salway's Data
« Reply #4 on: 2007 August 21 17:13:56 »
Quote from: "Juan Conejero"
Unfortunately I forgot to save the .psm file

I got used to save it periodically when working under windows. Go figure why ;)

Quote from: "Juan Conejero"
I think this may be resistance to changes, in terms of exploring new processing techniques and strategies. Of course this also happens in all fields of astrophotography

This happens everywhere. It can be seen very clearly in the computing field, where Linux has widely demonstrated that it fits perfectly a desktop environment. Alas, everybody sticks to the system they know. A respectable and understandable position, of course, but hmm well...
 David Serrano

Offline andyschlei

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Jupiter from Mike Salway's Data
« Reply #5 on: 2007 August 21 19:02:06 »
Quote from: "Juan Conejero"
Unfortunately, it seems that most planetary and lunar imagers don't want to use our software. This is a bit frustrating, since we provide state-of-the-art implementations of cutting edge algorithms and techniques. Of course these techniques require some additional work and a learning curve, when compared to other tools in common use. Here is a recent example:

The most "intense" public answer that the above tutorial seems to have received consists in an intent (unsuccessful, by the way) of trying to obtain similar results with other well-known software tools. Quite disappointing.

I think this may be resistance to changes, in terms of exploring new processing techniques and strategies. Of course this also happens in all fields of astrophotography, but I have seen particularly reluctant attitudes when I've tried to show that there exist advanced ways to process planetary images with our software tools that consistently lead to better results. This fragment from the preface of A manual of advanced celestial photography by Wallis and Provin applies particularly well here: "It seems like the offer of help is often seen as an accusatory finger. Besides that, we are often accused of having such a negative attitude because of the fact that we keep pushing to make things better and keep pushing to get people to do better work. Why is the desire to improve on existing conditions seen as a negative attitude?".

Personally, I have found working with PixInsight to be a great learning experience.  I am no longer using a closed tool with no insight into its workings or ability to modify those inner workings -- PixInsight allows both.

It has also challenged me to learn more about image processing.  Thanks to recommendations on these forums, I am working through Gonzalez and Woods Advanced Image Processing and really enjoying the learning.

I also appreciate criticism and comments from other imagers.  An outside perspective is an opportunity to learn, to see a different perspective, and I value that highly.  And in my family, if you take criticism hard, you didn't well  :wink:
Observatorio de la Ballona
CDK 12.5, NP-101, C-11
AP-1200, AP-900
ST-10 XME, CFW-8, Astrodon v2 filters
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Offline andyschlei

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Jupiter from Mike Salway's Data
« Reply #6 on: 2007 August 21 19:06:48 »
Quote from: "David Serrano"
This happens everywhere. It can be seen very clearly in the computing field, where Linux has widely demonstrated that it fits perfectly a desktop environment. Alas, everybody sticks to the system they know. A respectable and understandable position, of course, but hmm well...

Linux still suffers from lack of support on the application front.  Many astronomical programs -- Maxim DL, CCDSoft, The Sky, ACP, NexRemote, etc. -- run only on the Windows platform.  PixInsight is making a big difference because it is offering world-class image processing on Linux.  The Gimp doesn't.  So perhaps we are moving in the right direction.

In any case, I am building a new PC and it will be dual boot windows / Linux (Fedora 7).  And I will try out Wine and VMware.

Just my 2 cents worth...
Observatorio de la Ballona
CDK 12.5, NP-101, C-11
AP-1200, AP-900
ST-10 XME, CFW-8, Astrodon v2 filters
Pyxis Rotator, TCF Focuser

Offline David Serrano

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Jupiter from Mike Salway's Data
« Reply #7 on: 2007 August 22 05:22:40 »
Quote from: "andyschlei"
Many astronomical programs -- Maxim DL, CCDSoft, The Sky, ACP, NexRemote, etc. -- run only on the Windows platform.

Yes, of course, which is a pity. I was talking about average Joe's desktop. My girlfriend even thinks that Ubuntu is quite boring because everything is so easy  :wink:
 David Serrano

Offline C. Sonnenstein

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Jupiter from Mike Salway's Data
« Reply #8 on: 2007 August 22 10:53:10 »

He jugado un rato con los archivos. Este es mi primer resultado:

Un saludo.
Carlos Sonnenstein

Offline Brian

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Jupiter from Mike Salway's Data
« Reply #9 on: 2007 August 26 06:12:18 »
Those are stunning pictures!
Any thoughts on what is causing the straight lines?  There are a cluster of them crossing the cloud bands in the lower hemisphere, and a few more less obviously strike across the planet obliquely in the upper left quadrant.

Offline Juan Conejero

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Jupiter from Mike Salway's Data
« Reply #10 on: 2007 August 26 15:48:57 »
I have reprocessed the image:

I have applied small biases at the wavelet scales of 64 and 128 pixels to enhance the 3-D appearance of the disk (ATrousWaveletTransform), and a color saturation boost with CurvesTransform. I like it much more now. ¿What do you think?
Juan Conejero
PixInsight Development Team

Offline andyschlei

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Jupiter from Mike Salway's Data
« Reply #11 on: 2007 August 26 16:29:52 »
Quote from: "Juan Conejero"
I have applied small biases at the wavelet scales of 64 and 128 pixels to enhance the 3-D appearance of the disk (ATrousWaveletTransform), and a color saturation boost with CurvesTransform. I like it much more now. ¿What do you think?

Juan, very nice.  The planet does look more round and it looks better with the increased color saturation.

Would you consider using deconvolution on an image like this?
Observatorio de la Ballona
CDK 12.5, NP-101, C-11
AP-1200, AP-900
ST-10 XME, CFW-8, Astrodon v2 filters
Pyxis Rotator, TCF Focuser

Offline Brian

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Jupiter from Mike Salway's Data
« Reply #12 on: 2007 August 27 06:33:05 »
I like the increased saturation Juan. It makes easier seeing some of the details.

Offline Juan Conejero

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Jupiter from Mike Salway's Data
« Reply #13 on: 2007 August 27 07:58:47 »
Thanks Andy and Brian.

Of course we can apply deconvolution to high-SNR planetary images. Our implementations of regularized Van Cittert and Richardson-Lucy can perform very well indeed. If the SNR is very high, WienerDeconvolution can also be quite competitive.

However, from my experience, it is often quite difficult to achieve results as good as those that can be obtained very easily with our ATrousWaveletTransform tool. I think the main reason is that wavelets are so fast and flexible, and the detail enhancement and noise reduction parts of the process are so tightly adapted in our implementation, that it is hard for any deconvolution scheme to rival its results in practice. The multiscale approach is very powerful: If the wavelet scaling function is appropriate (3x3 Linear or Small Scale 1 and 2 are good in most cases), and one works accurately at the correct scales (w.r.t. bias and noise reduction), the obtained results are always extremely good.

So in general my advice is to use wavelets instead of deconvolution for this type of images. But this doesn't mean, of course, that deconvolution doesn't work either. One must always be prepared for experimentation...
Juan Conejero
PixInsight Development Team