Author Topic: when the pixel aspect ratio is not equal to 1  (Read 3859 times)

Hans Pleijsier

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when the pixel aspect ratio is not equal to 1
« on: 2010 August 18 13:00:09 »
Hello PI-friends,

My question is:

What are the (pro's and) con's of a CCD camera with non-square pixels?
Any special considerations during image processing?

Thanks in advance,


Offline Nocturnal

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Re: when the pixel aspect ratio is not equal to 1
« Reply #1 on: 2010 August 18 13:18:28 »

Hi Hans,

PI generally doesn't care about the aspect ratio of your images but I can imagine there's a chance that wavelet based processing may produce a different result depending on whether the image was resized before or after.

- resample to square the image
- wavelets


- wavelets
- resample to square

You could try this yourself to see. I think the decision you need to make is whether you resample as the first or final step in PI. Generally I'd say resample as late as possible but given scale based processing with wavelets it may be better to resample first.

Judging by your name you're probably Dutch so perhaps the expression 'lead or old iron' 'lood om oud ijzer' means something to you. In other words it probably doesn't matter.

That said I had non-square pixels (DSI) and I'm glad they're square now. Star registration works much better for starters.

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Hans Pleijsier

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Re: when the pixel aspect ratio is not equal to 1
« Reply #2 on: 2010 August 19 12:07:34 »
Thanks, I understand that the non-square-pixel is not a show-stopper for PI.