Author Topic: BatchPreprocessing with varying temperature DSLR Lights  (Read 5442 times)

Offline STEVE333

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My DSLR camera temperature typically varies by 10 F or more during a nights imaging session.  I have a library of Darks which works well for DSS. 

My Question:  How do I know what temperature Darks to include when using the PI BatchPreprocessing script? 
Telescopes:  WO Star71 ii, ES ED102 CF
Camera:  Canon T3 (modified)
Filters:  IDAS LPS-D1, Triad Tri-Band, STC Duo-Narrowband
Mount:  CEM40 EC
Software:  BYEOS, PHD2, PixInsight



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Re: BatchPreprocessing with varying temperature DSLR Lights
« Reply #1 on: 2016 May 06 23:17:03 »

As a rule the set that is closest in temperature and exposure time to the lights. However, the dark scaling method used by Pixinsight might help you there as it is independent of temperature and exposure time, loosely speaking.

If following the PI standard workflow and it doesn't work out, try the alternate method in the tutorials section, which handles problems with DSLR data reasonably well.