Here is an FYI for the group. Yesterday our image of M8 was lucky enough to be selected as APOD. Today I received a copy of my image sans credits from one of the club officers of Northern Colorado Astronomy Club. He innocently sends out what he considers interesting images or notes from the internet that he copies off sites he comes across to further the education of club members (something I am in favor of). However the image this time has had some interesting surgery in that there is a image and the APOD description but the credit line between the two has been excised (something I am NOT in favor of).
In a separate letter to him I have informed him of the copyright violation and asked for the source of this image.
Further this has been a topic of discussion on the CCDList in the USA.
This is NOT APODS fault, they credit your images. However other sites are often taking your images and removing the copyright or credit line and using them for their own purpose or site. And APOD is not the only source they pirate.
There is a web site which calls itself "NASA Images" which is offering all the APOD
images for free downloads without expressed permission of the authors. The main page
is at disturbing is their download "terms and conditions" which claims
that many NASA images on the site are "NOT COPYRIGHTED". This
is absolutely false. See their terms and conditions page at wanted to make you aware. I believe all of us have no problem sharing our images for educational purposes, however proper copyright and credit lines need to be intact.