Author Topic: PixInsight LE - New version 1.0.1 (build 141) Released  (Read 23522 times)

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PixInsight LE - New version 1.0.1 (build 141) Released
« on: 2004 October 09 13:12:20 »
Hi all,

This is to inform you that we have just released a new version of the freeware limited edition of PixInsight. You can download it from the PixInsight Home Page:

PixInsight LE 1.0.1 includes the powerful wavelets processing tools implemented in the standard version of PixInsight (under development), plus a new flexible and versatile Pixel Math tool, also from the standard version. Full details can be found on our website.

The official documentation has been completely revised and updated with new chapters, processing examples and lots of mouseover comparisons. The entire documentation is available online.

We have also two new online tutorials: basic histograms and curves adjustments, by Vicent Peris, and a new flat-fielding technique for film astrophotography developed by Carlos Milovic.

Hope you'll find it useful. Comments welcome.

Clear skies and good seeing,

Juan Conejero

Juan Conejero, Pleiades Astrophoto Team
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