If you want to consider yourself an intermediate/advanced PixInsight user, please don't use scroll bars (on a regular basis) to navigate image windows.
There are two ways to perform a temporary switch to Pan mode:
- Press the spacebar key and hold it down, then click the primary mouse button on the image and drag.- Click the middle mouse button on the image and drag.Both methods are much faster and more accurate than using scroll bars, plus you can navigate in both plane directions at the same time.
In similar ways, you can:
- Use the mouse wheel to zoom in/out the image.- Use Ctrl + mouse wheel to zoom in/out centered at the current cursor position on the image.- Use Ctrl+spacebar to switch to Zoom In mode temporarily. In this mode you can define a rectangular area to approximate the area of the image that will be zoomed in the view.
- Use Ctrl+Alt+spacebar to switch to Zoom Out mode temporarily.On macOS, replace Ctrl with Cmd in the above list.
So let's save those kitties, please, especially when you record a video!