OK, continuing from where I left off last time . . .
Now that the 50Mb(!!) of data has arrived, and has been opened in PI, I see the attached histogram from the Flat image
Whilst, at first glance, the data seems to fit my previous suggestions (that everything should be 'maximised') this is NOT actually the case. With the image loaded, and with the Histogram in 'Track View' mode, if you click the <Auto Zero Shadows> and <Auto Zero Highlights> buttons, you will see that NOTHING changes.
This is confirmed by the second attachment - which is the Statistics window tracking the same view. Once again, you can see that Minimum = 0.00000 and Maximum = 1.00000.
[EDIT : Sorry, I forgot to attach that image - but, you can verify this for yourself anyway]
If you use a MasterFlat with these characteristics, the extremely 'low' ADU data is just going to 'blow-out' your data.
(By the way, I see NO EVIDENCE of any 'pedestal' having been ADDED to an original set of data. If this had been the case, you would NOT see the little 'humps and bumps' down at the bottom end of the Histo - the data would be 'zero' up to the ADU valuse that had been used as the 'pedestal'. It could be, however, that a 'pedestal' has been 'simulated', by MULTIPLYING the data by some fixed value. That would retain the 'rubbish' down at the bottom end, but would also 'accentuate it' at the same time.)
In any case, there is a way forward. Looking at the Histogram of the supplied MasterFlat, it seems that there is NO 'really useful' data below an ADU value of around 0.65. We can check this by a very simple PixelMath expression:
iif($T<0.65, $T, 0.65)
Note that it is ESSENTIAL to un-click the <Rescale result> tickbox[/tt]
This will set all ADU values 'above 0.65' to a fixed value OF 0.65. Apply this to the MasterFlat (create a copy image, for convenience) and you will see an image with little or no 'structural detail' - i.e. little or no 'information' (I haven't attached an image demonstrating this - try it for yourself)
So, now that we have determined THAT fact, we can 'swap' our logic, and keep all the data ABOVE an ADU of 0.65, as follows:
iif($T>=0.65, $T, 0.65)
Note that it is ESSENTIAL to un-click the <Rescale result> tickbox[/tt]
Here it is also important to note that we did not use '0.0' for the case when $T<0.65 - that is exactly what we do NOT want to happen, as this would introduce a huge area of 'divide-by-zero' problems into our MasterFlat. Once this PixelMath expression has been applied to the original MasterFlat, the new image will show a Minimum of 0.65000 in the Statistics window - which is now beginning to get us somewhere!!
I have attached the newMasterFlat image, captured after the application of the PixelMath process (second attachment). This image has had an STF applied, but - unusually - in this case the mid-tone slider has had to be raised UP (to about 0.9 in this case) because the image is 'mostly bright', unlike our 'mostly dark' normal astroimages.
Finally, we can now use this newMasterFlat image on our RAW frame, by applying the following (standard 'flat division') expression:
Note that it is now ESSENTIAL to re-enable the <Rescale result> tickbox[/tt]
The final result is shown in the third attachment, and has been given a reasonably aggressive STF to let the background show through.
Interestingly though, I do not actually see any evidence of the dust-donuts in the original RAW image, and I also do not see 'over-division' of said dust-donuts in my attempts at flat calibration, so I am then immediately concerned as to just how 'raw' the supposedly 'raw' images actually are.
Anyway, it has been a fun exercise for me, and maybe it might help others.