Hi Bitli:
Just drag the blue triangle on a process container and you get the js sorce code. For StarAlignment I got this:
var p = new StarAlignment;
with ( p )
structureLayers = 5;
noiseLayers = 1;
hotPixelFilterRadius = 1;
sensitivity = 0.100;
peakResponse = 0.80;
maxStarDistortion = 0.500;
invert = false;
matcherTolerance = 0.0030;
ransacTolerance = 2.00;
ransacMaxIterations = 2000;
ransacMaximizeInliers = 1.00;
ransacMaximizeOverlapping = 1.00;
ransacMaximizeRegularity = 1.00;
ransacMinimizeError = 1.00;
maxStars = 0;
trianglesPerStar = 40;
restrictToPreviews = true;
intersection = MosaicOnly;
useBrightnessRelations = true;
useScaleDifferences = true;
scaleTolerance = 0.010;
referenceImage = "";
referenceIsFile = false;
targets = [ // enabled, isFile, image
[true, true, "C:/image1.fit"],
[true, true, "C:/image2.fit"],
[true, true, "C:/image3.fit"] //and so on...
mode = RegisterMatch;
generateMasks = false;
frameAdaptation = false;
useSurfaceSplines = false;
linearClampingThreshold = 0.30;
outputDirectory = "";
outputExtension = ".fit";
outputPrefix = "";
outputPostfix = "_r";
maskPostfix = "_m";
outputSampleFormat = SameAsTarget;
overwriteExistingFiles = false;
onError = Continue;
Best. Silvercup