I did start the challenge, but in a very modest way. I have a script that only makes registration and integration, but it does that separately for L and RBG (to support binned RGB). It sorts out the files based on a naming convention, so you do not have to make many individual selects. Unfortunately it still integrates all RGB as one file, I need to combine R G and B separateley then create the RGB image. I will be away for a week, but I hope to have something useful for the end of the month.
The challenge is to guess the output of the process like StarAlignment (it creates files adding a prefix/suffix and numbering them) and Integration (it creates a view). In general it would be very useful if the process returned the information logged in the console in the form of a javascrip object (like the list of generated files, wether it was successful or not and the matrices for StarAlignment).
-- bitli