Author Topic: PixInsight Core RC3 + PCL Now Available  (Read 19099 times)

Offline Pleiades

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Hi all,

New versions of the PixInsight core application and PCL packages are now available and can be downloaded:


New processes


HDRWaveletTransform is a new algorithm for multiscale processing of deep-sky images. This algorithm has been created by Vicent Peris, our expert in wavelets processing. We think HDRWaveletTransform is going to change the way we process most deep-sky images, especially high dynamic range images.

Vicent has authored a small tutorial where he describes a practical processing example with M101 data acquired by Jim Misti:

And here are several interesting examples with astronomical and daylight images:

HDRWaveletTransform can be found under the Wavelets category in the Process Explorer window.


GREYCstoration is a new noise reduction process in PixInsight. It is our implementation of an open-source image regularization algorithm created by David Tschumperlé, a CNRS researcher in the Image Team of the GREYC Lab in Caen, France. The algorithm is based on state-of-the-art image processing methods using nonlinear multi-valued diffusion partial differential equations. As implemented in PixInsight, GREYCstoration is a high-performance, all-terrain noise reduction tool. It is able to preserve extremely thin image details, and it's adaptable to numerous noise types and specific image restoration requirements. Our implementation is focused on the denoising capabilities of the algorithm; future versions will also cover inpainting and upsampling with GREYCstoration.

I want to express my gratitude to the author, David Tschumperlé, for his generosity and continued assistance during our development work.

You'll find GREYCstoration under the NoiseReduction category in the Process Explorer window.


The new core application includes some bug fixes and a few enhancements:

* New default fonts and redesigned geometry for auto-hide widget (Processing Console, Process Explorer, and so on) and preview selector tabs, with improved legibility.

* Keyboard shortcuts:

- F5 applies processes on the current view; F6 executes processes in the global context. When a processing window is active, pressing F5 is equivalent to clicking the Apply tool button. Pressing F6 is equivalent to clicking the Apply Global button (when applicable).

- Escape hides the active auto-hide window (e.g., the Processing Console window). This was causing some problems in previous versions, but now works correctly in every context.

* Improved multiprocessor support in the core application.

* Improved drag&drop functionality. Text and script files can now be dragged to the workspace (along with image files) to open them. Recognized file extensions are: .txt, .asc, .scp, .js, .jsh, .c, .cpp, .h, .hpp and files with no extension, which are treated as plain text files. Text files are directly opened with the Script Editor.

* Improved automatic arrangement of process and image icons on the workspace. Added a function to align the selected icons (select a few icons, right click them, and select "Arrange Selected Icons", etc.


The new PCL includes several improvements. These are the main ones:

* Improved ATrousWaveletTransform class. Now it runs even faster.

* Parallelized interpolating geometric transforms: Resample, Rotate, etc. Now they will use all available processors in a very efficient way.

* Corrected improper status monitoring text messages in a few member functions of Generic2DImage<P>.

* Improved FFTRegistrationEngine class and its sons FFTTranslation and FFTRotationAndScaling. They are more accurate now.

* Updated PCL documentation to reflect changes in interpolating geometric transform classes (a few member functions to control parallel processing).


Enjoy it!
Juan Conejero, Pleiades Software
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