Hi Rainer,
the following suggestions not only apply to the calibration of H-alpha images, but generally. However, images captured with narrow band filters usually contain little signal. So there is an increased risk that their histogram will be clipped during the image calibration process.
I am assuming that your MasterDark was created by simply integrating the dark frames, i.e. the MasterDark is NOT pre-calibrated. In this case your settings for ImageCalibration are incorrect, please proceed with 2).
However, if your MasterDark is pre-calibrated, it might be that the MasterDark is clipped. Inspect the MasterDark
- with HistogramTransformation: check the histogram (horizontal zoom set to about 50) and
- with ImageStatistics ('Unclipped' disabled): check count (%), it should be very near 100 %.
If the MasterDark is clipped, please try the following approach:
1) Prepare a new MasterDark by simply integrating the dark frames (this is the recommended procedure, see Vicent's tutorial
https://www.pixinsight.com/tutorials/master-frames/ ), i.e. the MasterDark should be NOT pre-calibrated.
2a) For using dark frame optimization, both options 'Calibrate' and 'Optimize' have to be
enabled. This applies generally (i.e. also for the calibration of your LRGB frames).
2b) If you don't want to apply dark frame optimization, a MasterBias is not needed for the calibration of the light frames. In this case, disble the 'Master Bias' section. In the 'Master Dark' section, both options 'Calibrate' and 'Optimize' have to be
3) After following the above suggestions, you should inspect the resulting calibrated light frames
- with HistogramTransformation: check the histogram (horizontal zoom set to about 50) and
- with ImageStatistics ('Unclipped' disabled): check count (%), it should be very near 100 %.
The important question is: are the calibrated light frames clipped? If this still is the case, you will have to apply an
output pedestal in the ImageCalibration process (in the 'Output Files' section of ImageCalibration).