Author Topic: Color calibration problem with modified Canon 6D - gives blue/violet  (Read 1958 times)

Offline manu.fonfon

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  • Posts: 8
Good morning to everybody

I recently purchased a Sony A7s modified (Astrodon) instead of my previous but excellent Canon 6D modified (Astrodon as well).
However, I am not fully happy with the Sony and came back to the Canon a couple of weeks ago. I captured three different images with it (and many more before...) However, while doing the image treatment, I noticed that the colour calibration process (photometric colour calibration) did no work properly anymore, although I never had problem in the past. The process runs until the end but gives a blue/violet image. Doing it "manually", first "background calibration" and then "white calibration", gives a similar result. It seems, but not 100% sure at this stage, that it is le white calibration which generates the issue.
Not a big issue: I correct the colour balance at the very end of tyhe process with Photoshop!
Although I recently downloaded the very last version of Pixinsight, I can process the images captured with the Sony with the "photometric colour calibration" without any issue. Therefore, I may have something wrong with the Canon, not Pixinsight... Strange!!!
Any help from experienced people?
Thanks very much in advance