Author Topic: Multipe Monitors and Process Icons/Windows  (Read 3873 times)

Offline wadeh237

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Multipe Monitors and Process Icons/Windows
« on: 2015 March 23 15:47:39 »

I'm using a multiple monitor setup and am having a problem with process icons and windows.  Specifically, I can move the main PixInsight window to any monitor with no problem, but process windows and icons always appear on the main monitor.  If I try to move them to one of the other monitors, they stop at the border of the main monitor.

I've read a number of historical posts about this and it looks like a bunch of improvements were made in version 1.6 (I am running  One thing that I read is that the recommended setup is to have two monitors side-by-side, but not above or below.

This kind of setup is not possible for me.

My computer is a tablet.  I have two separate docking stations, one at home and one at work.  The docking stations each have a full size keyboard and mount, plus two large monitors side-by-side.  I also use the tablet standalone with a portable keyboard and track pad.  The tablet display is always the main display.  When docked, the tablet is under the large monitors due to their physical size.  This gives me three monitors, with the tablet display physically underneath the two large monitors.  The PixInsight main window works fine on any of the 3 monitors, but the process windows and icons cannot be moved off of the tablet display.

Is it still the case that multiple monitors are assumed to be side-by-side and not above and below?  If so, are there any plans to change this so that I can move the process icons and windows to any monitor?


Offline TekyTek

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Re: Multipe Monitors and Process Icons/Windows
« Reply #1 on: 2020 February 22 11:56:03 »
Hi Wade,

 I’m new to PI and also get this problem, did you ever find a work around?


Offline wadeh237

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Re: Multipe Monitors and Process Icons/Windows
« Reply #2 on: 2020 February 25 13:34:50 »

I believe that the issue is related to the QT graphics libraries upon which PixInsight depends.  I've just gotten used to using a single monitor - the laptop's monitor - with PixInsight.

I do seem to remember in a more recent thread, that Juan mentioned taking a look at it at some point down the road, to see if there is anything that he can do.  But for now, the limitation still exists.