Author Topic: WBPP system error Global.format(): invalid argument type: numeric value expected  (Read 2416 times)

Offline kartyal

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On two different sets of HOS images, I receive the subject system error at approximately the same point - part way through generation of image descriptors for O frames.  I have attached the latest log for reference.  I examined the offending image and there was nothing obviously wrong with it.  I deleted it, reran WBPP and it errored at the same point.  I deleted that image and it errored a third time at the same point.  Assistance welcome.


Offline jtitley

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I am seeing the same error. It appears to be the "nan" (not a number) value for the FWHM but I've tried dropping the failing image and it just repeats on another.

Offline dave_galera

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Can you post image 10 (194055_c_cc.xisf) so we can have a look, it seems not to be able to find the PSF for this image.

It also looks like the code needs to changed to fail gracefully not just blow up with a NaN error

Offline kartyal

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Attachment size limit is 512KB.  Suggestion?

Offline dave_galera

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Use dropbox

Offline kartyal

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Bear with me Dave.  Whom do I send it to?

Offline dave_galera

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Just post the link on here

Offline johnrr777

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Following... same issue here from time to time.