Author Topic: SkyLimited Exposures Script  (Read 875 times)

Offline frasax

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SkyLimited Exposures Script
« on: 2020 February 04 03:01:32 »

i´ve tested out the Skylimited Exposure Script.
First i measured the Camera by using the Basic CCD Parameters Script, worked fine and compared to Photonstophotos Website it looks reliable. My Camera is a Canon EOS Ra and i did some Testimages with 15s Exposuretime and different ISOs and 120s on different ISOs under OK Suburban Conditions.
I´ve run the script and measured the ISO 200 15s Exposure, got a result and then opend the 120s ISO200 and got a different result. Shouldn´t that be the same? Maybe i got something wrong, but my goal was to calculate the minimum exposure time for one ISO Setting!? Don´t get it why i get different when i use different Exposure times as Skybackground Reference images.

CS Frank