Author Topic: Number of characters in file name  (Read 1780 times)

Offline astronut892010

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Number of characters in file name
« on: 2020 February 02 17:40:23 »
Pixinsight v 1.8.8-2 will not recognize my filename that appears to have too many characters in the file name.

File name in question is:

Flat_filter7_2020-02-01_060400_1x1_0.29sec_-15CFlats ProED ASI1600 Pro

When I truncate the file name, the software recognizes the file.  Can you address this in a future build so my files can be read?

Thank you,

Jay Landis

Offline wvanreeven

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Re: Number of characters in file name
« Reply #1 on: 2020 February 03 05:05:10 »
The allowed number of characters in a file name is determined by your operating system, not by PixInsight.
