Author Topic: StarAlignement: output files in FITS format  (Read 677 times)

Offline astroedo

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StarAlignement: output files in FITS format
« on: 2019 December 31 05:13:35 »
Hi all,

I need to align a large set (about 750 images) of 16 bit integer FITS file and I need the resulting files again in 16 bit integer FITS format (I have to feed another software that supports only FITS files)

Someone knows if it exists a way to use StarAlignement having FIT 16 bit as output files?
I know that it is possible to force the output format setting it to 16 bits integer, but I cannot specify the file extension.
In the old version an "output extension" was present, but it isn't present anymore.

Even If I set .fits as "Default save as format" in Pixinsight global options it doesn't work.

I always get XISF files.

The only workaround I've found is using batchFormatConversion script at the end of the registration process, but I would like to perform this operation in a single step.

Is it possible?

Offline pfile

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Re: StarAlignement: output files in FITS format
« Reply #1 on: 2019 December 31 10:25:37 »
it used to be if you edited the process icon and changed the output extension to .fits that PI would still write out FITS files.

i just tried it and it seems to have worked, so give it a try.


Offline astroedo

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Re: StarAlignement: output files in FITS format
« Reply #2 on: 2019 December 31 10:28:01 »
Wow hidden parameter!
Thank you Rob!

Clear skies

Offline Juan Conejero

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Re: StarAlignement: output files in FITS format
« Reply #3 on: 2020 January 02 03:54:02 »
Please note that hidden process parameters without dependencies from external tools and scripts are always subject to change or removal without notice. This applies to the outputExtension parameters of StarAlignment and other tools.

With the improvements and new features that will be implemented in many of our standard tools during the coming months, these outputExtension parameters may be removed because XISF is the only format able to represent the required data and metadata.

To export images as FITS files, the only recommended options are:

- The standard BatchFormatConversion script.
- ImageContainer with a NoOperation instance.
Juan Conejero
PixInsight Development Team