Hi all,
I need to align a large set (about 750 images) of 16 bit integer FITS file and I need the resulting files again in 16 bit integer FITS format (I have to feed another software that supports only FITS files)
Someone knows if it exists a way to use StarAlignement having FIT 16 bit as output files?
I know that it is possible to force the output format setting it to 16 bits integer, but I cannot specify the file extension.
In the old version an "output extension" was present, but it isn't present anymore.
Even If I set .fits as "Default save as format" in Pixinsight global options it doesn't work.
I always get XISF files.
The only workaround I've found is using batchFormatConversion script at the end of the registration process, but I would like to perform this operation in a single step.
Is it possible?