I am using an ASI071 as well, with the ASCOM camera driver and SGP as capturing software. The FITS files saved by SGP don't contain the Bayer/mosaic pattern. So I have to set 'Bayer/mosaic pattern' for the Debayer process explicitely to 'RGGB', or the error message
*** Error: Unable to acquire CFA pattern information: Required image metadata not available.
will appear. Note that there is no standardized FITS keyword at all for the Bayer/mosaic pattern! However, some capturing software might use non-standard FITS keywords for this purpose (i.e. BAYERPAT, XBAYROFF, and YBAYROFF).
The correct Bayer/mosaic pattern for the ASI071 is 'RGGB' (assuming both XBAYROFF and YBAYROFF are zero) or 'GBRG' with XBAYROFF = 0. and YBAYROFF = 1.
Anyway your findings are very interesting and might indicate a little bug in PixInsight. So please take a look at a FITS file with the 'FITSHeader' process (from the menu: FILE | FITS Header): determine whether these 3 non-standard keywords are used and which values are assigned. Please present the results here (screen section of the FITSHeader process would be fine).
P.S.: Please also note the used camera driver and capturing software.