Author Topic: PCL version 2.1.19 / Core version 1.8.8 RAW and RAW-compat compiler error  (Read 7776 times)

Offline zhoucuixiang

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Hi Juan,
    I compiler PCL 2.1.19 on windows 10 using  vs 2017. I find some changes on libraw module from before version. it doesn't have source code.when I compiler RAW and RAW- compat module, it shows error , "fatal error C1083: Cannot open include file: 'libraw/libraw.h': No such file or directory",  how can I do it? thanks a lot.

Best regards
       Joe zhou

Offline zhoucuixiang

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      on INDIClient  module , it doesn't provide indigo/indigo_bus.h. so it shows error ."Cannot open include file: 'indigo/indigo_bus.h': No such file or directory";
       on StarNet module, "tensorflow/c/c_api.h': No such file or directory ".

      Others compiler OK.

Offline Juan Conejero

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Hi Joe,

Since version 1.8.8 of PixInsight LibRaw no longer forms part of the PCL distribution. This is because the authors of LibRaw have made changes to their code distribution that prevent its inclusion as a standard PCL static library.

To build LibRaw for PCL development, follow these steps:

1. Download LibRaw's source code. We recommend cloning the official LibRaw GitHub repository to a directory on your local file system. Let's represent this directory as $LIBRAWDIR.

2. Copy the required file for your platform (where xxx is one of freebsd, linux, macos or windows) to $LIBRAWDIR. These files are available on $PCLSRCDIR/3rdparty/libraw.

3. Use the appropriate file to build LibRaw. For example:

    $ cd $LIBRAWDIR
    $ make -j -f Makefile.pcl.linux

4. You'll find the LibRaw static library file on the $LIBRAWDIR/lib subdirectory:

    On Linux and macOS: liblibraw_r-pxi.a
    On Windows: libraw_r-pxi.lib

Copy this file to your $PCLLIBDIR directory.

5. Copy the $LIBRAWDIR/libraw subdirectory to your $PCLINCDIR directory.

Now you can build the RAW module on your platform. I'm going to upload a file with this description to the PCL/src/3rdparty/libraw directory on our GitLab repository.

Let me know if you find further issues.

EDIT: LibRaw *can* be compiled on FreeBSD without any problems; I confused it with Indigo, which cannot. Sorry for the confusion!
« Last Edit: 2020 January 24 11:27:54 by Juan Conejero »
Juan Conejero
PixInsight Development Team

Offline Juan Conejero

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As for the INDIClient module, you must also clone the official Indigo repository and build the library yourself (see the instructions provided by the authors). Then define an INDIGODIR environment variable with the directory where you have built Indigo. With this variable the INDIClient module can be built without problems on Linux, macOS and Windows. Unfortunately, so far Indigo cannot be compiled on FreeBSD.

The StarNet module is not part of the official PixInsight distribution yet. Despite the fact that we have its source code on our official repository, currently there is no way to build it using the available PCL resources. This is a work in progress.
Juan Conejero
PixInsight Development Team

Offline zhoucuixiang

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Hi Juan,
      Thanks a lot. Now module RAW  is OK.  Indigo source code on Windows compilers ok, only has a indigo_client DLL, not a Lib file.

Best regards

  Joe Zhou