Hello all,
I have a question regarding image rendering in Pixinsight.
Often as part of my processing workflow, I process the stars to reduce their overall impact/intensity in the final image to get the target object to "pop" more. After everything looks good, I will save the final image as a TIFF for distribution/printing. However, what I am noticing is that other software does not render the image correctly. In particular, the other software will make the stars much more intense.
Normally this isn't an issue for me as all my processing work is done in Pixinsight, including when I view my images. However, when I send the image away for printing, or to others for viewing (that don't have pixinsight), it is never rendered as intended based upon my processing in pixinsight. The images are all saved using Adobe (1998) profile.
I have attached a screenshot that demonstrates the differences I see between Pixinsight (center panel) and most other software (left panel). I've also included the color management setup if that is helpful (right panel).
Am I missing something?
Thanks for the help,