Author Topic: STAR Problem  (Read 511 times)

Offline tdgm

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STAR Problem
« on: 2019 December 12 22:07:36 »
Happy Holiday Season

I have a star problem on my last data set and can't determine what caused the situation. When I view the data at 1:1 You can not see the problem but when I zoom in 2:1 or even 3:1 it become evident only with the large stars. The problem is in the RGB data. If you refer to the attached image you will see at 9 o'clock and 3 o'clock position it looks like and overlying star (different colors ). I can imagine it being a star if it happened on only 1 star but all the larger brighter stars have the same pattern. The seeing during the acqusition of theses data sets was really really poor.Acquired 2 x2 binned but visble at that level and even worse when upscaled.

So does anyone have an explanation of the cause so I might be able to avoid it in the future. Any help appreciated.

The view is a zoomed in image of a preview where the problem is evident. FYI the 1:1 imge data does look okay but if I try to work on the stars it becomes difficult.