I have recently started using Pixinsight, I'm following the workflow outlined on the Light Vortex website.
I previously posted this over at Cloudy Nights but received no responses other than the suggestion to post it over to this group.
After running SubFrameSelector, I first excluded a bunch of subs with the worst Eccentricity and FWHM values. When I then looked at the SNR Weights, I noticed that the excluded subs seemed to be in a somewhat regular pattern. (I realize the overall trend of the data is down, but I believe that is because the sky was getting darker as I was taking these subs)
I am not autoguiding, these were 90s exposures with a DSLR and a 72mm refractor mounted on a Skywatcher EQ5 Pro.
Is this what periodic error looks like? Or perhaps I have not done a good job of making my mount east heavy? Any suggestions as to the cause of this? Would guiding help?