Although you can get by with minimal RAM, increasing the size will make a big difference in performance. I just finished a running a WBPP script on 197 lights and 100 darks on a MacBook Pro with 16 GB of RAM. It ran fine, albeit slowly. Looking at the Activity Monitor, all 8 cores were at 100% utilization, but the important issue was memory. PI allocated 13 GB of memory (all that was available out of the 16 GB), but Activity Monitor showed thgt it was running with 53 GB of memory. All VM, of course, but that 'extra' 40 GB of virtual memory caused large amount of paging to the system disk. Even though it was an SSD, that's still a huge amount of overhead that made the WBPP script take a long time to complete.
On my MacBook I can't go beyond 16 GB, but in this instance (and many others), PI would have been much happier and completed in much less time if I would have had 64 GB of memory. Whether the cost of increasing memory is worth it is, of course, a different matter.
- Ken