Author Topic: Error integrating frames processed with WBPP  (Read 535 times)

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Error integrating frames processed with WBPP
« on: 2019 November 19 15:50:19 »
I used WBPP script for the first time today. After a few stumbles got it working and it produced registered subframes.

I typically do the integration manually. This time it integrated fine with good results but a lot of very cryptic error messages popped up.

PI Error by Tom Whit, on Flickr

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Re: Error integrating frames processed with WBPP
« Reply #1 on: 2019 November 19 16:30:47 »
the sitelong/sitelat error is due to a longstanding bug in SGP where they didn't use the right format to store the latitude and longitude of your observatory in the FITS header. PI never used to care about these keywords until juan added a bunch of astrometry code to PI, i think in 1.8.7. now that it's looking at those keywords it finds that it can't parse them and issues that error.

i believe SGP have fixed this problem in the latest versions of the problem.
