Author Topic: Integrating different bin subs for the same channel  (Read 562 times)

Offline Bobinius

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Integrating different bin subs for the same channel
« on: 2019 November 13 04:43:43 »

I was shooting a target in narrowband and started with the S2 filter in bin 1x1. The signal is really faint and does not have much structure so the contribution to the Luminance will be minimal. I thought of changing to bin 2x2 for increased sensitivity and time gain. How can I create my master S2 by integrating subs of different bin exposure? Will star aligning them in Pixinsight on a 1x1 sub reference suffice for rescaling all the 2x2 bin subs? Or some other method is recommended?



Offline pfile

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Re: Integrating different bin subs for the same channel
« Reply #1 on: 2019 November 13 10:05:18 »
yes using a 1x1 sub as reference should work.

you may need to tick "use scale differences" (under the 'star matching' tab) and set the slider to 0.5 or 0.6 though. it may be best to try on some views first just to see what settings you need.


Offline Bobinius

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Re: Integrating different bin subs for the same channel
« Reply #2 on: 2019 November 13 12:18:37 »
Thanx Rob. Pretty useful before changing the strategy during a project.