The first posted image has been processed in PI but I also used a plugin in PSCS5 for gradient removal. The image went through the normal process of calibration, cosmetic correction, alignment, culling of the 110 frames using the best 62 (900 secs each), and combined using Linear Fit w/median combine. The resulting image was cropped (dithered exposures), DBE was used twice (subtraction + division), masked stretch was used, HDRW was used, curves was used to increase contrast, and then the image was saved. On one version I simply saved as a TIFF 16 bit, at 1600 pixel width and the second I brought into PSCS5 and ran Russel Crowman's Gradient Exterminator which resulted in the background becoming more "normal" but maybe not an accurate display. The real question is there galactic dust in this image or is it a "bad" process or other problem with the data?
This image shows the image as processed without using the Gradient Exterminator plugin and totally processed in PI.