Author Topic: SubframeSelector graph needs the exact Index # displayed in the graph tooltips  (Read 3526 times)

Offline Ara Jerahian

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In the SubframeSelector, when you highlight over a datapoint in the graph, the tooltip pops up showing Weight, Median, FWHM, and Sigma.  It would be great if the system also showed the exact Index # for that datapoint.

When I have a lot of frames loaded, it's difficult to know what the Index # is from the horizontal scale below.  I often want to open the image represented by a datapoint to visually inspect it, but double-clicking on the graph locks and toggles the approval of the image; there is no way to open the image from the graph.  So, I need a quick way to know the index # so I can refer to the row in the table above and double-click on the image from there.

I hope this is a low-hanging fruit which would make the use of the SS much simpler.

Thank you,

Offline pfile

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100% agree - same workaround here and the viewport doesn't always scroll to the image i've toggled which means i have to go searching for it in the scrollbox.


Offline freed

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Fully agree. This would help a lot.