Author Topic: Batch Pre-Processing ImageIntegration Failure  (Read 530 times)

Offline mewmartigan

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Batch Pre-Processing ImageIntegration Failure
« on: 2019 September 10 12:18:52 »
Hi All,

I am having a problem with the batch preprocessing giving me a failure when it comes to the integration. Whatever reference image I use, it immediately fails and tells me there is little or no data in the image.

Here is a link to 10 light frames as well as a master dark and master flat. If anyone can get this to stack or find out where the error is coming from I would greatly appreciate it.
I have used this master flat and master dark multiple times including just the other day so I know they are okay. I also ran another batch preprocessing today with data from the other day and it ran fine so it appears to be something with last night's data. I didn't make any changes to my camera or capture software before last night.



Offline jwaters125

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Re: Batch Pre-Processing ImageIntegration Failure
« Reply #1 on: 2019 September 11 16:47:30 »
Use something like PI Blink and examine each sub - Lights, Darks, BIAS and Flats.  There's a bad sub someplace.