Author Topic: Best Camera to Use with PixInsight  (Read 511 times)

Offline DwightHuth

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Best Camera to Use with PixInsight
« on: 2019 September 07 15:09:38 »
I recently started amateur astronomy hobby and have127 mm Mak/Cass, f.12 / 1540 refractor. I have a 20 and 25mm lens, a 2x and 3x Barlow as well as a Orion USB II eyepiece. I also use my LG7 ThinQ phone to take images and videos through my optical with.

What cameras do you suggest to use with my optical that would coincide with using the PI programto maximize my results.

Are there any settings on my camera for my phone and USB II eyepiece that would also create the best results when using PixInsight?