Hello. I'm evalating PixInsights and I'm impressed by amount of features. really considering buying it after my trial is over.
I'm newbie, obviously, but I'm reading Warren A. Keller's book and that makes things easier to understand.
I however have an issue with removing hot pixels, I cannot get rid of all of them, and in fact I'm having lot of hot pixels after I apply CosmicCorrection to my lights. Especially lof of them in red channel.
I shoot using DSLR Sony a99 camera.
So I followed this process (just followed Keller's book)
1. Created master bias
2. Created master dark
3. Created superbias
4. Calibrated my flats with superbias and master dark
5. Now trying to get rid of hot pixels using CosmeticCorrections. I used master dark and auto-detect, and I cant get rid of all of the hot pixels, I think I tried almost every possible combination.
This is what I see on resulting image with corrections applied -
https://www.screencast.com/t/1daxOKPdIhere I outlined problematic pixels
https://www.screencast.com/t/qk0Y329xHLp8you will notice that these problems have the same patterns, it looks like it is always 2 pixels next to each other located on diagonal, in one or another orientation, here is closer look -
https://www.screencast.com/t/tRRWxHhmaVThis is how my calibrated light image looks before corrections -
https://www.screencast.com/t/TI5QmhE9This is how it looks after -
https://www.screencast.com/t/qr9fu0ANH8After debayering - I see that most of these issues are on Red channel, but some blue hot pixels also presented -
https://www.screencast.com/t/WxgQt2gwM6This is entire debayered image -
https://www.screencast.com/t/0M7F1bOnThis is red channel image -
https://www.screencast.com/t/DEC9x6ei14and closer look on hot pixels on red channel -
https://www.screencast.com/t/UP3ykQGUkIMaybe this will give someone a clue what I'm doing wrong? I don't think I should have this level of hot pixels after CosmeticCorrection applied, right?
I appreciate ANY help!
The problem with these hot pixels is that PixInsight seems to detect them as stars.
I extracted separate channels as I want to star align all of them separately and then stack separately and create artificial L channel as well.
now when I try to measure my individual images using SubframeSelector I see in the console that it detects lot of stars (like 1250)
I think will cause me lot of problems when I will to star align these images.
So, guys, I'm really need help here. What I'm doing wrong?