Author Topic: Use SubFrameSelector for best gain setting?  (Read 523 times)

Offline wetcoaster

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Use SubFrameSelector for best gain setting?
« on: 2019 September 07 23:56:35 »
SFS will measure noise and a whole lot of other useful things and I use it in my postprocessing. However, I want to find the best gain setting for my ASI1600MM Pro. SFS provides SNRWeight. I used SFS to measure 3 integrated/stacked images with gain of 139 (exp. 360 secs), 200 (exp. 240 secs) and 300 (exp. 180 secs). They were captured using a 6.5nm Sii filter. The plot showed that the gain=300 had the best SNR. I wonder if the exposure time was critical and need to be scaled in accordance with the change in relative gain?

My first question is whether SFS can accurately do what I hope it can? If the answer is no, what PI tools can I use to achieve my goal?

Secondly, if SFS can be used, was my comparison valid? If not, what would I need to do to make it valid?
