Thanks, sounds useful. How do you mean by "i wonder if the right thing to do is simply to only rescale the lights while calibrating". Not rescale previous to calibrating?
So I tried passing the option "clip-highlights" to the calibration of one frame. However, the "saturated" star that I am focusing on here, still is very pink. And interestingly enough: just splitting the R, G, B channels for the star, again produces radically different values.
R max: 51736
G max: 13352
B max: 15663
While in the uncalibrated, they are almost identical....R = 15311, G = 16400, B = 16331
I tried rescaling just the raw, then calibrating the rescaled raw. See the attached images below. If I FIRST rescale, the values in the three channels are far better preserved. If I calibrate the cr2-file, they end up with vastly different levels, for the strong/saturated star.
Now, how can we understand this? Even if there is something strange with my flat, here the results seem to depend on when in the process the light-sub is rescaled. The master calibration files are already rescaled, as they are integrated and so on.